
Sunday, November 25, 2007


Our luggage plays far not last role in success of the given action. Because, what bag or a suitcase we take with ourselves in "distant distances", depends not only a condition of fishing tackles, playing cards and rackets for game in a pong. From the broken "underwater" mask the mood can "break", and rest will be spoilt.
Irrespective of, where you buy a bag, term on which extent it is possible to return the goods, is limited to 30 days. If you have found out marriage, the seller should return money. Firm ("native") bags frequently cannot be distinguished from a fake. Like both a fabric same, and cost similar, but is not present. Not firm. By the way, from the person who suggests you to buy a bag as from the doctor, it is not necessary to hide anything. For example, if you are going to visit other country and depart there by the plane consider, that with yourself in salon it is authorised to take only a suitcase no more than 21 inches in height. If the suitcase is more - it will ship in a luggage space.
Probably, the bag or a suitcase on wheels is required to you. There are three standards of suitcases: 21, 25, 28 inches (in height). If to take one suitcase for three it is better to take 28-inch (72 sm). Such suitcase big, capacious and simultaneously convenient. It is desirable, that it had a strong iron frame. Besides, it is better to choose a suitcase with the handle from a ridge "rigid" steel.
As to reliability it is necessary to take a suitcase taking into account fastening: if they are made on steel bearings, well and if it is plastic plugs - such suitcase hardly will serve long. In effect, the road bag on wheels can become alternative of a suitcase. She more cheaply also does not demand additional leaving. However, last is not so convenient also to things in it not so comfortably. The most suitable variant for storage and transportation of things - port a plaid. To choose a reliable and sound bag, first of all pay attention to handles. It is better, when handles are made not of a band, and from a fabric. And it is desirable, that they were a line and are sewn to a bag not only from sides, but also "ring" passed through a bottom. The more the area of "contact" of handles with a case fabric - the more reliably. As to quality of a fabric, at a bag it depends first of all from firmness of impregnation (firmness to deleting, inwater etc.) But it it is possible to check up only in process socks.
If it is a question of a backpack choice, consider, that while the backpack is combined, it is very difficult to understand, its form is how much ergonomic and whether is correct it is cut out and sewed. To see all defects and defects, it should be filled a paper. Besides, buying a backpack, it is necessary to consider, that basically they are calculated on seven kgs.
Even if the backpack or a bag look so, that in it the three-monthly bear cub will quite be located, it at all does not mean, that they will sustain such weight. Even huge, volume to hundred litres, bags, as a rule, are not calculated that you put in them over 25 kgs. The usual fabric will simply tear.
For those who wishes to bring mountain of fruit from holiday, to steam of 3-litre jars of "exclusive" sea naked children and "a little bit" local cheap wine, there are army bags. They are sewed from very strong fabric, handles and a carbine are stitched on all case to the bottom. Such "bag" will sustain to 70 kgs. As well as in any business, in a bag choice it is necessary to consider all nuances, whenever possible. Including manufacturer of the goods. There is a number of manufacturers which guarantee quality. Basically those who is engaged in sale of the such goods, about them know. Simply do not hesitate to ask sellers about their goods. Eventually it is your choice.

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